Module pysimt.vocabulary

Vocabulary class for integer-token mapping.

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"""Vocabulary class for integer-token mapping."""

import json
import pathlib
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List

logger = logging.getLogger('pysimt')

class Vocabulary:
    r"""Vocabulary class for integer<->token mapping.

        fname: The filename of the JSON vocabulary file created by
            `pysimt-build-vocab` script.

        short_list: Optional; If > 0, only the most frequent `short_list`
            items will be kept in the vocabulary.

        vocab (pathlib.Path): The filepath of the .json vocabulary file.
        short_list (int): Short-list threshold.
        freqs (dict): A dictionary which maps vocabulary strings to their
            normalized frequency across the training set.
        counts (dict): A dictionary which maps vocabulary strings to their
            occurrence counts across the training set.
        n_tokens (int): The final number of elements in the vocabulary.
        has_bos (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <bos> token.
        has_eos (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <eos> token.
        has_pad (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <pad> token.
        has_unk (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <unk> token.

        The final instance can be easily queried in both directions with
        bracket notation using integers and strings.

        >>> vocab = Vocabulary('train.vocab.en')
        >>> vocab
        Vocabulary of 9797 items ('train.vocab.en')
        >>> vocab['woman']
        >>> vocab[14]
        >>> vocab.sent_to_idxs('hello world .')
        [4226, 1708, 5, 2]
        >>> vocab.sent_to_idxs('hello world .', explicit_eos=False)
        [4226, 1708, 5]
        >>> vocab.idxs_to_sent([4226, 1708, 5, 2])
        'hello world .'
        >>> vocab.idxs_to_sent([4226, 1708, 5, 2], debug=True)
        'hello world . <eos>'
        >>> vocab.list_of_idxs_to_sents([[4226, 1708], [4226, 1708, 5]])
        ['hello world', 'hello world .']

        A `Vocabulary` instance.

    _TOKENS = {"<pad>": 0, "<bos>": 1, "<eos>": 2, "<unk>": 3}

    def __init__(self, fname: str, short_list: int = 0):
        self.vocab = pathlib.Path(fname).expanduser()
        self.short_list = short_list
        self._map = None
        self._imap = None
        self.freqs = None
        self.counts = None
        self._allmap = None
        self.n_tokens = None

        self.has_pad = False
        self.has_bos = False
        self.has_eos = False
        self.has_unk = False

        # Load file
        with open(self.vocab) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

        if self.short_list > 0:
            # Get a slice of most frequent `short_list` items
            data = dict(list(data.items())[:self.short_list])

        self._map = {k: int(v.split()[0]) for k, v in data.items()}
        self.counts = {k: int(v.split()[1]) for k, v in data.items()}

        total_count = sum(self.counts.values())
        self.freqs = {k: v / total_count for k, v in self.counts.items()}

        # Sanity check for placeholder tokens
        for tok, idx in self._TOKENS.items():
            if self._map.get(tok, -1) != idx:
      '{tok} not found in {!r}')
                setattr(self, f'has_{tok[1:-1]}', False)
                setattr(self, f'has_{tok[1:-1]}', True)

        # Set # of tokens
        self.n_tokens = len(self._map)

        # Invert dictionary
        self._imap = OrderedDict([(v, k) for k, v in self._map.items()])

        # Merge forward and backward lookups into single dict for convenience
        self._allmap = OrderedDict()

        assert len(self._allmap) == (len(self._map) + len(self._imap)), \
            "Merged vocabulary size is not equal to sum of both."

    def sent_to_idxs(self,
                     line: str,
                     explicit_bos: bool = False,
                     explicit_eos: bool = True) -> List[int]:
        """Returns a list of integers representing the given sentence.

            line: A string representing a sentence.
            explicit_bos: Optional; if True, a special `<bos>` token will be
                prepended to the mapped sequence.
            explicit_eos: Optional; If True, a special `<eos>` token will be
                appended to the mapped sequence.

        tidxs = []

        if explicit_bos and self.has_bos:

        if self.has_unk:
            for tok in line.split():
                tidxs.append(self._map.get(tok, self._TOKENS["<unk>"]))
            # Remove unknown tokens from the words
            for tok in line.split():
                except KeyError:
                    # make this verbose and repetitive as this should be
                    # used cautiously only for some specific models
          'No <unk> token, removing word from sentence')

        if explicit_eos and self.has_eos:

        return tidxs

    def idxs_to_sent(self,
                     idxs: List[int],
                     debug: bool = False) -> str:
        """Converts a list of integers to its space-delimited string representation.

            idxs: A list of integers as previously mapped using `sent_to_idxs()`.
            debug: Optional; If True, the string representation
                will not be truncated when `<eos>` is hit.

            A whitespace separated string representing the given list of integers.

        result = []
        for idx in idxs:
            if not debug and self.has_eos and idx == self._TOKENS["<eos>"]:
            result.append(self._imap.get(idx, self._TOKENS["<unk>"]))

        return " ".join(result)

    def list_of_idxs_to_sents(self,
                              lidxs: List[List[int]]) -> List[str]:
        """Converts a list of list of integers to their respective string
        representations. This is handy for batched conversion after beam search for example.

            lidxs: A list containing multiple lists of integers as
                previously mapped from string tokens by this instance.

            A list of whitespace separated strings representing the given input.

        results = []
        unk = self._TOKENS["<unk>"]
        for idxs in lidxs:
            result = []
            for idx in idxs:
                if idx == self._TOKENS["<eos>"]:
                result.append(self._imap.get(idx, unk))
            results.append(" ".join(result))
        return results

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._allmap[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._map)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Vocabulary of {self.n_tokens} items ({!r})"


class Vocabulary (fname: str, short_list: int = 0)

Vocabulary class for integer<->token mapping.


The filename of the JSON vocabulary file created by pysimt-build-vocab script.
Optional; If > 0, only the most frequent short_list items will be kept in the vocabulary.


vocab : pathlib.Path
The filepath of the .json vocabulary file.
short_list : int
Short-list threshold.
freqs : dict
A dictionary which maps vocabulary strings to their normalized frequency across the training set.
counts : dict
A dictionary which maps vocabulary strings to their occurrence counts across the training set.
n_tokens : int
The final number of elements in the vocabulary.
has_bos : bool
True if the vocabulary has token.
has_eos : bool
True if the vocabulary has token.
has_pad : bool
True if the vocabulary has token.
has_unk : bool
True if the vocabulary has token.


The final instance can be easily queried in both directions with bracket notation using integers and strings.


>>> vocab = Vocabulary('train.vocab.en')
>>> vocab
Vocabulary of 9797 items ('train.vocab.en')
>>> vocab['woman']
>>> vocab[14]
>>> vocab.sent_to_idxs('hello world .')
[4226, 1708, 5, 2]
>>> vocab.sent_to_idxs('hello world .', explicit_eos=False)
[4226, 1708, 5]
>>> vocab.idxs_to_sent([4226, 1708, 5, 2])
'hello world .'
>>> vocab.idxs_to_sent([4226, 1708, 5, 2], debug=True)
'hello world . <eos>'
>>> vocab.list_of_idxs_to_sents([[4226, 1708], [4226, 1708, 5]])
['hello world', 'hello world .']


A Vocabulary instance.

Expand source code
class Vocabulary:
    r"""Vocabulary class for integer<->token mapping.

        fname: The filename of the JSON vocabulary file created by
            `pysimt-build-vocab` script.

        short_list: Optional; If > 0, only the most frequent `short_list`
            items will be kept in the vocabulary.

        vocab (pathlib.Path): The filepath of the .json vocabulary file.
        short_list (int): Short-list threshold.
        freqs (dict): A dictionary which maps vocabulary strings to their
            normalized frequency across the training set.
        counts (dict): A dictionary which maps vocabulary strings to their
            occurrence counts across the training set.
        n_tokens (int): The final number of elements in the vocabulary.
        has_bos (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <bos> token.
        has_eos (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <eos> token.
        has_pad (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <pad> token.
        has_unk (bool): `True` if the vocabulary has <unk> token.

        The final instance can be easily queried in both directions with
        bracket notation using integers and strings.

        >>> vocab = Vocabulary('train.vocab.en')
        >>> vocab
        Vocabulary of 9797 items ('train.vocab.en')
        >>> vocab['woman']
        >>> vocab[14]
        >>> vocab.sent_to_idxs('hello world .')
        [4226, 1708, 5, 2]
        >>> vocab.sent_to_idxs('hello world .', explicit_eos=False)
        [4226, 1708, 5]
        >>> vocab.idxs_to_sent([4226, 1708, 5, 2])
        'hello world .'
        >>> vocab.idxs_to_sent([4226, 1708, 5, 2], debug=True)
        'hello world . <eos>'
        >>> vocab.list_of_idxs_to_sents([[4226, 1708], [4226, 1708, 5]])
        ['hello world', 'hello world .']

        A `Vocabulary` instance.

    _TOKENS = {"<pad>": 0, "<bos>": 1, "<eos>": 2, "<unk>": 3}

    def __init__(self, fname: str, short_list: int = 0):
        self.vocab = pathlib.Path(fname).expanduser()
        self.short_list = short_list
        self._map = None
        self._imap = None
        self.freqs = None
        self.counts = None
        self._allmap = None
        self.n_tokens = None

        self.has_pad = False
        self.has_bos = False
        self.has_eos = False
        self.has_unk = False

        # Load file
        with open(self.vocab) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

        if self.short_list > 0:
            # Get a slice of most frequent `short_list` items
            data = dict(list(data.items())[:self.short_list])

        self._map = {k: int(v.split()[0]) for k, v in data.items()}
        self.counts = {k: int(v.split()[1]) for k, v in data.items()}

        total_count = sum(self.counts.values())
        self.freqs = {k: v / total_count for k, v in self.counts.items()}

        # Sanity check for placeholder tokens
        for tok, idx in self._TOKENS.items():
            if self._map.get(tok, -1) != idx:
      '{tok} not found in {!r}')
                setattr(self, f'has_{tok[1:-1]}', False)
                setattr(self, f'has_{tok[1:-1]}', True)

        # Set # of tokens
        self.n_tokens = len(self._map)

        # Invert dictionary
        self._imap = OrderedDict([(v, k) for k, v in self._map.items()])

        # Merge forward and backward lookups into single dict for convenience
        self._allmap = OrderedDict()

        assert len(self._allmap) == (len(self._map) + len(self._imap)), \
            "Merged vocabulary size is not equal to sum of both."

    def sent_to_idxs(self,
                     line: str,
                     explicit_bos: bool = False,
                     explicit_eos: bool = True) -> List[int]:
        """Returns a list of integers representing the given sentence.

            line: A string representing a sentence.
            explicit_bos: Optional; if True, a special `<bos>` token will be
                prepended to the mapped sequence.
            explicit_eos: Optional; If True, a special `<eos>` token will be
                appended to the mapped sequence.

        tidxs = []

        if explicit_bos and self.has_bos:

        if self.has_unk:
            for tok in line.split():
                tidxs.append(self._map.get(tok, self._TOKENS["<unk>"]))
            # Remove unknown tokens from the words
            for tok in line.split():
                except KeyError:
                    # make this verbose and repetitive as this should be
                    # used cautiously only for some specific models
          'No <unk> token, removing word from sentence')

        if explicit_eos and self.has_eos:

        return tidxs

    def idxs_to_sent(self,
                     idxs: List[int],
                     debug: bool = False) -> str:
        """Converts a list of integers to its space-delimited string representation.

            idxs: A list of integers as previously mapped using `sent_to_idxs()`.
            debug: Optional; If True, the string representation
                will not be truncated when `<eos>` is hit.

            A whitespace separated string representing the given list of integers.

        result = []
        for idx in idxs:
            if not debug and self.has_eos and idx == self._TOKENS["<eos>"]:
            result.append(self._imap.get(idx, self._TOKENS["<unk>"]))

        return " ".join(result)

    def list_of_idxs_to_sents(self,
                              lidxs: List[List[int]]) -> List[str]:
        """Converts a list of list of integers to their respective string
        representations. This is handy for batched conversion after beam search for example.

            lidxs: A list containing multiple lists of integers as
                previously mapped from string tokens by this instance.

            A list of whitespace separated strings representing the given input.

        results = []
        unk = self._TOKENS["<unk>"]
        for idxs in lidxs:
            result = []
            for idx in idxs:
                if idx == self._TOKENS["<eos>"]:
                result.append(self._imap.get(idx, unk))
            results.append(" ".join(result))
        return results

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._allmap[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._map)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Vocabulary of {self.n_tokens} items ({!r})"


def idxs_to_sent(self, idxs: List[int], debug: bool = False) ‑> str

Converts a list of integers to its space-delimited string representation.


A list of integers as previously mapped using sent_to_idxs().
Optional; If True, the string representation will not be truncated when <eos> is hit.


A whitespace separated string representing the given list of integers.

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def idxs_to_sent(self,
                 idxs: List[int],
                 debug: bool = False) -> str:
    """Converts a list of integers to its space-delimited string representation.

        idxs: A list of integers as previously mapped using `sent_to_idxs()`.
        debug: Optional; If True, the string representation
            will not be truncated when `<eos>` is hit.

        A whitespace separated string representing the given list of integers.

    result = []
    for idx in idxs:
        if not debug and self.has_eos and idx == self._TOKENS["<eos>"]:
        result.append(self._imap.get(idx, self._TOKENS["<unk>"]))

    return " ".join(result)
def list_of_idxs_to_sents(self, lidxs: List[List[int]]) ‑> List[str]

Converts a list of list of integers to their respective string representations. This is handy for batched conversion after beam search for example.


A list containing multiple lists of integers as previously mapped from string tokens by this instance.


A list of whitespace separated strings representing the given input.

Expand source code
def list_of_idxs_to_sents(self,
                          lidxs: List[List[int]]) -> List[str]:
    """Converts a list of list of integers to their respective string
    representations. This is handy for batched conversion after beam search for example.

        lidxs: A list containing multiple lists of integers as
            previously mapped from string tokens by this instance.

        A list of whitespace separated strings representing the given input.

    results = []
    unk = self._TOKENS["<unk>"]
    for idxs in lidxs:
        result = []
        for idx in idxs:
            if idx == self._TOKENS["<eos>"]:
            result.append(self._imap.get(idx, unk))
        results.append(" ".join(result))
    return results
def sent_to_idxs(self, line: str, explicit_bos: bool = False, explicit_eos: bool = True) ‑> List[int]

Returns a list of integers representing the given sentence.


A string representing a sentence.
Optional; if True, a special <bos> token will be prepended to the mapped sequence.
Optional; If True, a special <eos> token will be appended to the mapped sequence.
Expand source code
def sent_to_idxs(self,
                 line: str,
                 explicit_bos: bool = False,
                 explicit_eos: bool = True) -> List[int]:
    """Returns a list of integers representing the given sentence.

        line: A string representing a sentence.
        explicit_bos: Optional; if True, a special `<bos>` token will be
            prepended to the mapped sequence.
        explicit_eos: Optional; If True, a special `<eos>` token will be
            appended to the mapped sequence.

    tidxs = []

    if explicit_bos and self.has_bos:

    if self.has_unk:
        for tok in line.split():
            tidxs.append(self._map.get(tok, self._TOKENS["<unk>"]))
        # Remove unknown tokens from the words
        for tok in line.split():
            except KeyError:
                # make this verbose and repetitive as this should be
                # used cautiously only for some specific models
      'No <unk> token, removing word from sentence')

    if explicit_eos and self.has_eos:

    return tidxs