Module pysimt.models.snmt_tf

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from torch import nn

from ..layers import TFEncoder, TFDecoder
from ..utils.nn import LabelSmoothingLoss
from . import SimultaneousNMT

class SimultaneousTFNMT(SimultaneousNMT):

    def __init__(self, opts):
        Creates a SimultaneousNMTTransformer.
        :param opts: The options.
        self.defaults = None

        # These will be initialized in the setup method, similarly to other models.
        self.encoders = {}
        self.dec = None
        self.loss = None
        self.current_batch = None

    def setup(self, is_train=True):
        Initialises the necessary model components.
        :param is_train: Whether the model is in training mode or not.
        encoders = {}
        for key in self.topology.srcs.keys():
            encoders[key] = getattr(self, f'_create_{key}_encoder')()
        self.encoders = nn.ModuleDict(encoders)
        self.dec = self._create_decoder()

        self.loss = LabelSmoothingLoss(
            trg_vocab_size=self.n_trg_vocab, reduction='sum', ignore_index=0,

        # Share encoder and decoder weights
        if self.opts.model['tied_emb'] == '3way':
            assert self.n_src_vocab == self.n_trg_vocab, \
                "The vocabulary sizes do not match for 3way tied embeddings."
            self.encoders[str(].src_embedding.weight = self.dec.trg_embedding.weight

    def reset_parameters(self):
        Initialize the model parameters.
        for param in self.parameters():
            if param.requires_grad and param.dim() > 1:

    def set_defaults(self):
        self.defaults = {
            'model_dim': 512,           # Source and target embedding sizes,
            'num_heads': 8,             # The number of attention heads
            'direction': None,          # Network directionality, i.e. en->de
            'max_len': 80,              # Reject sentences where 'bucket_by' length > 80
            'bucket_by': None,          # A key like 'en' to define w.r.t which dataset
                                        # the batches will be sorted
            'bucket_order': None,       # Curriculum: ascending/descending/None
            'sampler_type': 'bucket',   # bucket or approximate
            'short_list': 0,            # Short list vocabularies (0: disabled)
            'enc_n_layers': 6,          # The number of encoder layers
            'dec_n_layers': 6,          # The number of decoder layers
            'enc_ff_dim': 2048,         # The number of encoder feed forward dimensions
            'dec_ff_dim': 2048,         # The number of decoder feed forward dimensions
            'enc_bidirectional': False,  # Whether the encoder is bidirectional or unidirectional.
            'tied_emb': False,          # Whether the embedding should be tied.
            'ff_activ': 'gelu',         # The feed forward layer activation function. Default 'gelu'.
            'dropout': 0.1,             # The dropout.
            'attn_dropout': 0.0,        # The attention dropout.
            'pre_norm': True,           # Indicates whether to use pre_norm (recent) or post_norm (original) layers.
            # Visual features (optional)
            'feat_mode': None,
            'aux_dim': None,            # Auxiliary features dim (# channels for conv features)
            'aux_dropout': 0.0,         # Auxiliary features dropout
            'aux_lnorm': False,         # layer-norm
            'aux_l2norm': False,        # L2-normalize
            'aux_proj_dim': None,       # Projection layer for features
            'aux_proj_activ': None,     # Projection layer non-linearity
            'img_boxes_dim': None,      # The vector dimension for the boxes, associated with a region.
            'num_regions': 36,          # The number of regions to use. Valid only for OD features. Default: 36.
            'mm_fusion_op': None,       # fusion type
            'mm_fusion_dropout': 0.0,   # fusion dropout
            'tf_dec_img_attn': None,    # The decoder visual attention; could be: 'serial', 'parallel' or None.
            'tf_n_mm_hier_heads': 8,    # Used with hierarchical image attention to specify the number of hierarchical heads. Default 8.
                                        # Default: None.
            # Decoding/training simultaneous NMT args
            'translator_type': 'gs',   # This model implements plain unidirectional MT
                                        # so the decoding is normal greedy-search
            'translator_args': {},      # No extra arguments to translator

    def _create_src_encoder(self):
        Returns a transformer encoder.
        :return: a transformer encoder.
        return TFEncoder(

    def _create_decoder(self):
        Returns a transformer decoder.
        :return: a transformer decoder.
        return TFDecoder(

    def get_attention_weights(self):
        return {
            'encoder_src': self.encoders['src'].get_attention_weights(),
            'decoder': self.dec.get_attention_weights()

    def cache_enc_states(self, batch, **kwargs):
        if self.opts.model["enc_bidirectional"]:
            # It is tricky to cache the encoder's states if it's bidirectional,
            # as they are dependent on future positions due to the
            # self-attention module. Therefore, we are just going to cache the data
            # and perform the forward pass in get_enc_state_dict.
            self.current_batch = batch
            for key, enc in self.encoders.items():
                _ = enc(batch[key])

    def get_enc_state_dict(self, up_to=int(1e6)):
        """Encodes the batch optionally by partial encoding up to `up_to`
        words for derived simultaneous NMT classes. By default, the value
        is large enough to leave it as vanilla NMT. """
        if self.opts.model["enc_bidirectional"]:
            # In the bidirectional case, perform a forward pass through the encoder.
            return {str(key): encoder(self.current_batch[key][:up_to, :]) for key, encoder in self.encoders.items()}
            return super().get_enc_state_dict(up_to=up_to)

    def forward(self, batch, **kwargs):
        encoded_src = self.get_enc_state_dict()

        # The input to the transformer should include the <bos> token but not the <eos> token.
        target_input = batch[][:-1, :]

        # The actual values should not have the <bos> token but should include the <eos>
        target_real = batch[][1:, :]

        result, _ = self.dec(encoded_src, target_input, **kwargs)

        total_loss = self.loss(
            result.contiguous().view(-1, result.size(-1)), target_real.contiguous().view(-1))

        return {
            'loss': total_loss,
            'n_items': target_real.nonzero(as_tuple=False).size(0),


class SimultaneousTFNMT (opts)

Base class for all neural network modules.

Your models should also subclass this class.

Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        return F.relu(self.conv2(x))

Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:to, etc.

:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool

Creates a SimultaneousNMTTransformer. :param opts: The options.

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class SimultaneousTFNMT(SimultaneousNMT):

    def __init__(self, opts):
        Creates a SimultaneousNMTTransformer.
        :param opts: The options.
        self.defaults = None

        # These will be initialized in the setup method, similarly to other models.
        self.encoders = {}
        self.dec = None
        self.loss = None
        self.current_batch = None

    def setup(self, is_train=True):
        Initialises the necessary model components.
        :param is_train: Whether the model is in training mode or not.
        encoders = {}
        for key in self.topology.srcs.keys():
            encoders[key] = getattr(self, f'_create_{key}_encoder')()
        self.encoders = nn.ModuleDict(encoders)
        self.dec = self._create_decoder()

        self.loss = LabelSmoothingLoss(
            trg_vocab_size=self.n_trg_vocab, reduction='sum', ignore_index=0,

        # Share encoder and decoder weights
        if self.opts.model['tied_emb'] == '3way':
            assert self.n_src_vocab == self.n_trg_vocab, \
                "The vocabulary sizes do not match for 3way tied embeddings."
            self.encoders[str(].src_embedding.weight = self.dec.trg_embedding.weight

    def reset_parameters(self):
        Initialize the model parameters.
        for param in self.parameters():
            if param.requires_grad and param.dim() > 1:

    def set_defaults(self):
        self.defaults = {
            'model_dim': 512,           # Source and target embedding sizes,
            'num_heads': 8,             # The number of attention heads
            'direction': None,          # Network directionality, i.e. en->de
            'max_len': 80,              # Reject sentences where 'bucket_by' length > 80
            'bucket_by': None,          # A key like 'en' to define w.r.t which dataset
                                        # the batches will be sorted
            'bucket_order': None,       # Curriculum: ascending/descending/None
            'sampler_type': 'bucket',   # bucket or approximate
            'short_list': 0,            # Short list vocabularies (0: disabled)
            'enc_n_layers': 6,          # The number of encoder layers
            'dec_n_layers': 6,          # The number of decoder layers
            'enc_ff_dim': 2048,         # The number of encoder feed forward dimensions
            'dec_ff_dim': 2048,         # The number of decoder feed forward dimensions
            'enc_bidirectional': False,  # Whether the encoder is bidirectional or unidirectional.
            'tied_emb': False,          # Whether the embedding should be tied.
            'ff_activ': 'gelu',         # The feed forward layer activation function. Default 'gelu'.
            'dropout': 0.1,             # The dropout.
            'attn_dropout': 0.0,        # The attention dropout.
            'pre_norm': True,           # Indicates whether to use pre_norm (recent) or post_norm (original) layers.
            # Visual features (optional)
            'feat_mode': None,
            'aux_dim': None,            # Auxiliary features dim (# channels for conv features)
            'aux_dropout': 0.0,         # Auxiliary features dropout
            'aux_lnorm': False,         # layer-norm
            'aux_l2norm': False,        # L2-normalize
            'aux_proj_dim': None,       # Projection layer for features
            'aux_proj_activ': None,     # Projection layer non-linearity
            'img_boxes_dim': None,      # The vector dimension for the boxes, associated with a region.
            'num_regions': 36,          # The number of regions to use. Valid only for OD features. Default: 36.
            'mm_fusion_op': None,       # fusion type
            'mm_fusion_dropout': 0.0,   # fusion dropout
            'tf_dec_img_attn': None,    # The decoder visual attention; could be: 'serial', 'parallel' or None.
            'tf_n_mm_hier_heads': 8,    # Used with hierarchical image attention to specify the number of hierarchical heads. Default 8.
                                        # Default: None.
            # Decoding/training simultaneous NMT args
            'translator_type': 'gs',   # This model implements plain unidirectional MT
                                        # so the decoding is normal greedy-search
            'translator_args': {},      # No extra arguments to translator

    def _create_src_encoder(self):
        Returns a transformer encoder.
        :return: a transformer encoder.
        return TFEncoder(

    def _create_decoder(self):
        Returns a transformer decoder.
        :return: a transformer decoder.
        return TFDecoder(

    def get_attention_weights(self):
        return {
            'encoder_src': self.encoders['src'].get_attention_weights(),
            'decoder': self.dec.get_attention_weights()

    def cache_enc_states(self, batch, **kwargs):
        if self.opts.model["enc_bidirectional"]:
            # It is tricky to cache the encoder's states if it's bidirectional,
            # as they are dependent on future positions due to the
            # self-attention module. Therefore, we are just going to cache the data
            # and perform the forward pass in get_enc_state_dict.
            self.current_batch = batch
            for key, enc in self.encoders.items():
                _ = enc(batch[key])

    def get_enc_state_dict(self, up_to=int(1e6)):
        """Encodes the batch optionally by partial encoding up to `up_to`
        words for derived simultaneous NMT classes. By default, the value
        is large enough to leave it as vanilla NMT. """
        if self.opts.model["enc_bidirectional"]:
            # In the bidirectional case, perform a forward pass through the encoder.
            return {str(key): encoder(self.current_batch[key][:up_to, :]) for key, encoder in self.encoders.items()}
            return super().get_enc_state_dict(up_to=up_to)

    def forward(self, batch, **kwargs):
        encoded_src = self.get_enc_state_dict()

        # The input to the transformer should include the <bos> token but not the <eos> token.
        target_input = batch[][:-1, :]

        # The actual values should not have the <bos> token but should include the <eos>
        target_real = batch[][1:, :]

        result, _ = self.dec(encoded_src, target_input, **kwargs)

        total_loss = self.loss(
            result.contiguous().view(-1, result.size(-1)), target_real.contiguous().view(-1))

        return {
            'loss': total_loss,
            'n_items': target_real.nonzero(as_tuple=False).size(0),



Class variables

var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool


def get_attention_weights(self)
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def get_attention_weights(self):
    return {
        'encoder_src': self.encoders['src'].get_attention_weights(),
        'decoder': self.dec.get_attention_weights()
def reset_parameters(self)

Initialize the model parameters.

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def reset_parameters(self):
    Initialize the model parameters.
    for param in self.parameters():
        if param.requires_grad and param.dim() > 1:
def set_defaults(self)
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def set_defaults(self):
    self.defaults = {
        'model_dim': 512,           # Source and target embedding sizes,
        'num_heads': 8,             # The number of attention heads
        'direction': None,          # Network directionality, i.e. en->de
        'max_len': 80,              # Reject sentences where 'bucket_by' length > 80
        'bucket_by': None,          # A key like 'en' to define w.r.t which dataset
                                    # the batches will be sorted
        'bucket_order': None,       # Curriculum: ascending/descending/None
        'sampler_type': 'bucket',   # bucket or approximate
        'short_list': 0,            # Short list vocabularies (0: disabled)
        'enc_n_layers': 6,          # The number of encoder layers
        'dec_n_layers': 6,          # The number of decoder layers
        'enc_ff_dim': 2048,         # The number of encoder feed forward dimensions
        'dec_ff_dim': 2048,         # The number of decoder feed forward dimensions
        'enc_bidirectional': False,  # Whether the encoder is bidirectional or unidirectional.
        'tied_emb': False,          # Whether the embedding should be tied.
        'ff_activ': 'gelu',         # The feed forward layer activation function. Default 'gelu'.
        'dropout': 0.1,             # The dropout.
        'attn_dropout': 0.0,        # The attention dropout.
        'pre_norm': True,           # Indicates whether to use pre_norm (recent) or post_norm (original) layers.
        # Visual features (optional)
        'feat_mode': None,
        'aux_dim': None,            # Auxiliary features dim (# channels for conv features)
        'aux_dropout': 0.0,         # Auxiliary features dropout
        'aux_lnorm': False,         # layer-norm
        'aux_l2norm': False,        # L2-normalize
        'aux_proj_dim': None,       # Projection layer for features
        'aux_proj_activ': None,     # Projection layer non-linearity
        'img_boxes_dim': None,      # The vector dimension for the boxes, associated with a region.
        'num_regions': 36,          # The number of regions to use. Valid only for OD features. Default: 36.
        'mm_fusion_op': None,       # fusion type
        'mm_fusion_dropout': 0.0,   # fusion dropout
        'tf_dec_img_attn': None,    # The decoder visual attention; could be: 'serial', 'parallel' or None.
        'tf_n_mm_hier_heads': 8,    # Used with hierarchical image attention to specify the number of hierarchical heads. Default 8.
                                    # Default: None.
        # Decoding/training simultaneous NMT args
        'translator_type': 'gs',   # This model implements plain unidirectional MT
                                    # so the decoding is normal greedy-search
        'translator_args': {},      # No extra arguments to translator
def setup(self, is_train=True)

Initialises the necessary model components. :param is_train: Whether the model is in training mode or not.

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def setup(self, is_train=True):
    Initialises the necessary model components.
    :param is_train: Whether the model is in training mode or not.
    encoders = {}
    for key in self.topology.srcs.keys():
        encoders[key] = getattr(self, f'_create_{key}_encoder')()
    self.encoders = nn.ModuleDict(encoders)
    self.dec = self._create_decoder()

    self.loss = LabelSmoothingLoss(
        trg_vocab_size=self.n_trg_vocab, reduction='sum', ignore_index=0,

    # Share encoder and decoder weights
    if self.opts.model['tied_emb'] == '3way':
        assert self.n_src_vocab == self.n_trg_vocab, \
            "The vocabulary sizes do not match for 3way tied embeddings."
        self.encoders[str(].src_embedding.weight = self.dec.trg_embedding.weight

Inherited members