Module pysimt.layers.encoders.recurrent

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from torch import nn
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_packed_sequence, pack_padded_sequence

from .. import FF

class RecurrentEncoder(nn.Module):
    """A recurrent encoder with embedding layer.

        input_size (int): Embedding dimensionality.
        hidden_size (int): RNN hidden state dimensionality.
        n_vocab (int): Number of tokens for the embedding layer.
        rnn_type (str): RNN Type, i.e. GRU or LSTM.
        num_layers (int, optional): Number of stacked RNNs (Default: 1).
        bidirectional (bool, optional): If `False`, the RNN is unidirectional.
        dropout_rnn (float, optional): Inter-layer dropout rate only
            applicable if `num_layers > 1`. (Default: 0.)
        dropout_emb(float, optional): Dropout rate for embeddings (Default: 0.)
        dropout_ctx(float, optional): Dropout rate for the
            encodings/annotations (Default: 0.)
        emb_maxnorm(float, optional): If given, renormalizes embeddings so
            that their norm is the given value.
        emb_gradscale(bool, optional): If `True`, scales the gradients
            per embedding w.r.t. to its frequency in the batch.
        proj_dim(int, optional): If not `None`, add a final projection
            layer. Can be used to adapt dimensionality for decoder.
        proj_activ(str, optional): Non-linearity for projection layer.
            `None` or `linear` does not apply any non-linearity.
        layer_norm(bool, optional): Apply layer normalization at the
            output of the encoder.

        x (Tensor): A tensor of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples)
            including the integer token indices for the given batch.

        hs (Tensor): A tensor of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples, hidden)
            that contains encoder hidden states for all timesteps. If
            bidirectional, `hs` is doubled in size in the last dimension
            to contain both directional states.
        mask (Tensor): A binary mask of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples)
            that may further be used in attention and/or decoder. `None`
            is returned if batch contains only sentences with same lengths.
    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, n_vocab, rnn_type,
                 num_layers=1, bidirectional=True,
                 dropout_rnn=0, dropout_emb=0, dropout_ctx=0,
                 emb_maxnorm=None, emb_gradscale=False,
                 proj_dim=None, proj_activ=None, layer_norm=False):

        self.rnn_type = rnn_type.upper()
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.n_vocab = n_vocab
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.bidirectional = bidirectional
        self.emb_maxnorm = emb_maxnorm
        self.emb_gradscale = emb_gradscale
        self.proj_dim = proj_dim
        self.proj_activ = proj_activ
        self.layer_norm = layer_norm

        # For dropout btw layers, only effective if num_layers > 1
        self.dropout_rnn = dropout_rnn

        # Our other custom dropouts after embeddings and annotations
        self.dropout_emb = dropout_emb
        self.dropout_ctx = dropout_ctx

        self.tile_factor = self.num_layers
        self.ctx_size = self.hidden_size
        # Doubles its size because of concatenation
        if self.bidirectional:
            self.ctx_size *= 2
            self.tile_factor *= 2

        # Embedding dropout
        self.do_emb = nn.Dropout(self.dropout_emb)

        # Create embedding layer
        self.emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_vocab, self.input_size,
                                padding_idx=0, max_norm=self.emb_maxnorm,

        # Create fused/cudnn encoder according to the requested type
        RNN = getattr(nn, self.rnn_type)
        self.enc = RNN(self.input_size, self.hidden_size,
                       self.num_layers, bias=True, batch_first=False,

        output_layers = []
        if self.proj_dim:
                FF(self.ctx_size, self.proj_dim, activ=self.proj_activ))
            self.ctx_size = self.proj_dim

        if self.layer_norm:

        if self.dropout_ctx > 0:

        self.output = nn.Sequential(*output_layers)

        # Variables for caching
        self._states, self._mask = None, None

    def embed(self, x):
        """Embeds and return the representations and mask."""
        self._mask =

        # src_embs: (seq_len, batch_size, emb_dim)
        return self.emb(x), self._mask

    def forward(self, x, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(x, tuple):
            # Received the usual embeddings
            embs, _ = self.embed(x)
            embs = x[0]

        # Pack the tensor so that RNN correctly computes the hidden
        # states by ignoring padded positions
        packed_inputs = pack_padded_sequence(
            self.do_emb(embs), lengths=self._mask.sum(0).long().cpu(),

        # Get initial state
        hx = kwargs.get('hx', None)
        if hx is not None:
            hx = hx.expand(self.tile_factor, -1, -1).contiguous()

        # Encode -> unpack to obtain an ordinary tensor of hidden states
        # padded positions will now have explicit 0's in their hidden states
        # all_hids: (seq_len, batch_size, self.enc_out_dim)
        # hx: (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
        all_hids = pad_packed_sequence(self.enc(packed_inputs, hx=hx)[0])[0]

        # Cache states and return
        self._states = self.output(all_hids)
        return self._states, self._mask

    def get_states(self, up_to=int(1e6)):
        """Reveals partial source information through `up_to` argument.
        Useful for simultaneous NMT encodings."""
        assert self._states is not None, "Call encoder first to cache states!"
        return self._states[:up_to], self._mask[:up_to]


class RecurrentEncoder (input_size, hidden_size, n_vocab, rnn_type, num_layers=1, bidirectional=True, dropout_rnn=0, dropout_emb=0, dropout_ctx=0, emb_maxnorm=None, emb_gradscale=False, proj_dim=None, proj_activ=None, layer_norm=False)

A recurrent encoder with embedding layer.


input_size (int): Embedding dimensionality. hidden_size (int): RNN hidden state dimensionality. n_vocab (int): Number of tokens for the embedding layer. rnn_type (str): RNN Type, i.e. GRU or LSTM. num_layers (int, optional): Number of stacked RNNs (Default: 1). bidirectional (bool, optional): If False, the RNN is unidirectional. dropout_rnn (float, optional): Inter-layer dropout rate only applicable if num_layers > 1. (Default: 0.) dropout_emb(float, optional): Dropout rate for embeddings (Default: 0.) dropout_ctx(float, optional): Dropout rate for the encodings/annotations (Default: 0.) emb_maxnorm(float, optional): If given, renormalizes embeddings so that their norm is the given value. emb_gradscale(bool, optional): If True, scales the gradients per embedding w.r.t. to its frequency in the batch. proj_dim(int, optional): If not None, add a final projection layer. Can be used to adapt dimensionality for decoder. proj_activ(str, optional): Non-linearity for projection layer. None or linear does not apply any non-linearity. layer_norm(bool, optional): Apply layer normalization at the output of the encoder.


x (Tensor): A tensor of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples) including the integer token indices for the given batch.


hs (Tensor): A tensor of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples, hidden) that contains encoder hidden states for all timesteps. If bidirectional, hs is doubled in size in the last dimension to contain both directional states. mask (Tensor): A binary mask of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples) that may further be used in attention and/or decoder. None is returned if batch contains only sentences with same lengths.

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class RecurrentEncoder(nn.Module):
    """A recurrent encoder with embedding layer.

        input_size (int): Embedding dimensionality.
        hidden_size (int): RNN hidden state dimensionality.
        n_vocab (int): Number of tokens for the embedding layer.
        rnn_type (str): RNN Type, i.e. GRU or LSTM.
        num_layers (int, optional): Number of stacked RNNs (Default: 1).
        bidirectional (bool, optional): If `False`, the RNN is unidirectional.
        dropout_rnn (float, optional): Inter-layer dropout rate only
            applicable if `num_layers > 1`. (Default: 0.)
        dropout_emb(float, optional): Dropout rate for embeddings (Default: 0.)
        dropout_ctx(float, optional): Dropout rate for the
            encodings/annotations (Default: 0.)
        emb_maxnorm(float, optional): If given, renormalizes embeddings so
            that their norm is the given value.
        emb_gradscale(bool, optional): If `True`, scales the gradients
            per embedding w.r.t. to its frequency in the batch.
        proj_dim(int, optional): If not `None`, add a final projection
            layer. Can be used to adapt dimensionality for decoder.
        proj_activ(str, optional): Non-linearity for projection layer.
            `None` or `linear` does not apply any non-linearity.
        layer_norm(bool, optional): Apply layer normalization at the
            output of the encoder.

        x (Tensor): A tensor of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples)
            including the integer token indices for the given batch.

        hs (Tensor): A tensor of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples, hidden)
            that contains encoder hidden states for all timesteps. If
            bidirectional, `hs` is doubled in size in the last dimension
            to contain both directional states.
        mask (Tensor): A binary mask of shape (n_timesteps, n_samples)
            that may further be used in attention and/or decoder. `None`
            is returned if batch contains only sentences with same lengths.
    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, n_vocab, rnn_type,
                 num_layers=1, bidirectional=True,
                 dropout_rnn=0, dropout_emb=0, dropout_ctx=0,
                 emb_maxnorm=None, emb_gradscale=False,
                 proj_dim=None, proj_activ=None, layer_norm=False):

        self.rnn_type = rnn_type.upper()
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.n_vocab = n_vocab
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.bidirectional = bidirectional
        self.emb_maxnorm = emb_maxnorm
        self.emb_gradscale = emb_gradscale
        self.proj_dim = proj_dim
        self.proj_activ = proj_activ
        self.layer_norm = layer_norm

        # For dropout btw layers, only effective if num_layers > 1
        self.dropout_rnn = dropout_rnn

        # Our other custom dropouts after embeddings and annotations
        self.dropout_emb = dropout_emb
        self.dropout_ctx = dropout_ctx

        self.tile_factor = self.num_layers
        self.ctx_size = self.hidden_size
        # Doubles its size because of concatenation
        if self.bidirectional:
            self.ctx_size *= 2
            self.tile_factor *= 2

        # Embedding dropout
        self.do_emb = nn.Dropout(self.dropout_emb)

        # Create embedding layer
        self.emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_vocab, self.input_size,
                                padding_idx=0, max_norm=self.emb_maxnorm,

        # Create fused/cudnn encoder according to the requested type
        RNN = getattr(nn, self.rnn_type)
        self.enc = RNN(self.input_size, self.hidden_size,
                       self.num_layers, bias=True, batch_first=False,

        output_layers = []
        if self.proj_dim:
                FF(self.ctx_size, self.proj_dim, activ=self.proj_activ))
            self.ctx_size = self.proj_dim

        if self.layer_norm:

        if self.dropout_ctx > 0:

        self.output = nn.Sequential(*output_layers)

        # Variables for caching
        self._states, self._mask = None, None

    def embed(self, x):
        """Embeds and return the representations and mask."""
        self._mask =

        # src_embs: (seq_len, batch_size, emb_dim)
        return self.emb(x), self._mask

    def forward(self, x, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(x, tuple):
            # Received the usual embeddings
            embs, _ = self.embed(x)
            embs = x[0]

        # Pack the tensor so that RNN correctly computes the hidden
        # states by ignoring padded positions
        packed_inputs = pack_padded_sequence(
            self.do_emb(embs), lengths=self._mask.sum(0).long().cpu(),

        # Get initial state
        hx = kwargs.get('hx', None)
        if hx is not None:
            hx = hx.expand(self.tile_factor, -1, -1).contiguous()

        # Encode -> unpack to obtain an ordinary tensor of hidden states
        # padded positions will now have explicit 0's in their hidden states
        # all_hids: (seq_len, batch_size, self.enc_out_dim)
        # hx: (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
        all_hids = pad_packed_sequence(self.enc(packed_inputs, hx=hx)[0])[0]

        # Cache states and return
        self._states = self.output(all_hids)
        return self._states, self._mask

    def get_states(self, up_to=int(1e6)):
        """Reveals partial source information through `up_to` argument.
        Useful for simultaneous NMT encodings."""
        assert self._states is not None, "Call encoder first to cache states!"
        return self._states[:up_to], self._mask[:up_to]


  • torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Class variables

var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool


def embed(self, x)

Embeds and return the representations and mask.

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def embed(self, x):
    """Embeds and return the representations and mask."""
    self._mask =

    # src_embs: (seq_len, batch_size, emb_dim)
    return self.emb(x), self._mask
def forward(self, x, **kwargs) ‑> Callable[..., Any]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

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def forward(self, x, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(x, tuple):
        # Received the usual embeddings
        embs, _ = self.embed(x)
        embs = x[0]

    # Pack the tensor so that RNN correctly computes the hidden
    # states by ignoring padded positions
    packed_inputs = pack_padded_sequence(
        self.do_emb(embs), lengths=self._mask.sum(0).long().cpu(),

    # Get initial state
    hx = kwargs.get('hx', None)
    if hx is not None:
        hx = hx.expand(self.tile_factor, -1, -1).contiguous()

    # Encode -> unpack to obtain an ordinary tensor of hidden states
    # padded positions will now have explicit 0's in their hidden states
    # all_hids: (seq_len, batch_size, self.enc_out_dim)
    # hx: (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
    all_hids = pad_packed_sequence(self.enc(packed_inputs, hx=hx)[0])[0]

    # Cache states and return
    self._states = self.output(all_hids)
    return self._states, self._mask
def get_states(self, up_to=1000000)

Reveals partial source information through up_to argument. Useful for simultaneous NMT encodings.

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def get_states(self, up_to=int(1e6)):
    """Reveals partial source information through `up_to` argument.
    Useful for simultaneous NMT encodings."""
    assert self._states is not None, "Call encoder first to cache states!"
    return self._states[:up_to], self._mask[:up_to]